Make A Pledge
Thank You for Your Help!
​At SNACK*, we have trouble turning families away. All SNACK activities are open to the general public. In order to continue to provide such a welcoming environment, we continue to need support from our community to help fund our classes and events.
Last year, we were able to provide classes for over 200 kids on a weekly basis because of your donations and this year we're looking to do more! With your continued support and generosity, we believe we can fund our current SNACK programs and enhance our new paths as our kids become teenagers and adults.
As always, no contribution is too small. Your support will enable SNACK* to continue its mission to enrich the lives of children, teens, and young adults by providing diverse classes and activities designed so everyone has the opportunity to make progress at their own pace.
While we hope that SNACK* is in your hearts year-round, we also offer fundraising opportunities throughout the year from our Calascione Memorial Golf Outing to our Annual Fundraiser.
If you have any additional fundraising ideas you'd like to share, please contact
SNACK* & Friends, Inc. is a 501 (c) (3) not-for-profit organization.
All donations are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law.